Save Time. Effort. Money.

With Our Innovative New Building Aide

We Keep Your Masons Laying CMU!

Savings Of Investment

Renting headers for your construction projects can lead to significant savings. Headers ensure that the structure is adequately supported, reducing the risk of damage caused by inadequate support. This, in turn, reduces the need for costly repairs and can increase the resale value of the property. With little to no maintenance required, headers are a smart investment that can save you both time and money.

Cost Savings ($)

Old Way Vs. Using Quick Headers

 Quick Headers

Quick Headers are quick and easy to install and remove (under a minute) by the mason. No more costly wood framing or work stoppages to bring in a wood buck framer. Just install, level and continue setting block. Once the concrete has cured, the simple removal of a Quick Header support beam leaves clean, true openings for any down line trades.

Is This How You Currently Build Your Bucks?

  1. Make list of wood needed for openings

  2. Go to lumber yard and get wood

  3. Deliver wood

  4. Cut wood

  5. Nail wood together

  6. Move buck into opening

  7. Shim buck

  8. Lay CMU over buck

Using a Quick Header

  1. Send list of opening width and heights.

  2. Your order is dropped off or picked up

  3. Place header over opening in minutes

  4. Lay CMU over header

The best thing to happen to masonry since mast climbing scaffolding.